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2017 Mancha en la pared del estudio I 70x100 cmg
2016 Recuerdo de playa 163x130 cma
2017 Mancha en la pared del estudio II 70x100 cmh
2016 Recuerdo de un campo de girasoles 130x100 cmb
2017 En busca de una libertad 130x100 cmf
Perspectives7 124x100
Perspectives6 50x45
Perspectives8 90x86

Project - De-Construction 

Through myself, I strive to understand what happens around the subject and how this affects its social understanding of the external space. Overlapping rice paper glued on burlap cloth to reach the “DE-CONSTRUCTION” of the individual where the search, the confrontation, the struggle or revindication become evident. I intend to express the ideas and the most profound feelings in that imaginary space of the truth of the individual that I capture through my subjectivity of it. To do this I go into their most intimate biography, in the everyday, in their public space, political or social criticism, their social understanding and how it affects the acceptance and the exclusion. The closest to reality is the consciousness of ourselves; we are who we are in relation to the environment, human and material, system and structure.



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